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CBD, the Placebo Effect, & “Boomer Generation” Aches – Testimonial

December 2nd, 2019

I am of the “boomer generation” and I have been an important team member throughout my entire life on all my sport teams’ competition and training.

Also, because I am female, even in college we never had trainers or sports injury prevention protocol.

Plus, there is always the residual consequences from living an over-the-top active lifestyle for 63 yrs.

active lifestyle with cbd

Also, a very important part of your 43CBD is the fact of its natural taste and the cleanliness and chemical-free properties.

I am very susceptible to various allergens and chemicals. Even though the Natural flavor full spectrum tincture took a bit of getting used to… I do find it to be of better taste than other products I have tasted/used.

This is a good thing that allows me to enjoy and greatly benefit from the tincture. This is true for the salve too. With my sensitivities, the salve feels good on my skin and the tincture on my tongue leaves no bad or altered taste as I have experienced with some of the other products I have tried.

Just to bring you up to date:

Dontje, you had graciously returned my call while I was unexpectedly laying in the hospital.  I had placed a call to you a couple days before saying that I needed to order products because I was “jonesing” for the good relief from the products.

I had run out of all my 43CBD products and any other brands to help alleviate any pain, inflammation, and sleep. I had been totally released back to all regular activities a couple weeks before my phone call. I was increasing activity again and needed some beneficial relief in aches and pains.

I was hopeful when we had talked and ecstatic to once again be able to order/receive more 43CBD tincture/products.  I had run out of your product for a while and was waiting for my monthly check to arrive.

Now I had been dealing with the consequences of a second septic infection in my original knee replacement surgery that was done on 4/28/19.  Whew!

There I laid waiting to have another surgery to open my knee again.  Unfortunately, my incredible surgeon has to take out the original awesome ( Zimmer Tivanium Knee) replacement appliance.  I had felt like I was 30 years again. The replacement fit like a glove and it felt like it had always been my knee.

I jokingly was referencing my replacement as my “bionic knee” and was anxiously awaiting to have my other damaged knee replaced by the end of August. Now the entire timeline is greatly delayed.

~   When I first saw the knee doctor in Feb 2019, I went in to see what I was looking at a couple of years down the line from the pain in my knees I had been experiencing the last few years.

The doctor was shocked to hear about the high level of sports playing and activities overall that I was able to participate in. (At that point he wasn’t aware of the fact that I had been taking the 43CBD products for a couple years already).
I sort of laughed a little and said it’s all about putting one foot in front of the other, taking appropriate supplements, eating well, not to stop, and appropriately warming up and other exercises.

When all those things were not working as well (about 2 years ago), that is when I added the 43CBD products into my daily living. I do believe that because of the CBD, I was able to continue to perform well and reduce my “boomer” aches and pains which let me continue to participate.

Due to basic genetics, the result was such that my knees were now worn down.  My mom, aunt, older half-brother, and 2 younger brothers have resulted in the need for knee replacements. (I was able to endure to the oldest age before I needed to get a knee replacement 64 yrs).

This all is a major setback and I was quite bummed and not looking forward to having that 3rd surgery done on the same knee again. Plus, the doctor informed me a temporary plastic spacer knee joint that has antibiotic properties would be inserted along with the cement impregnated with a major antibiotic about the appliance pieces.

This temporary replacement would be in for about 8 weeks. Once again, for at least 6 weeks, I would be on a self-administered, in-home Infusion of a major antibiotic 20 cc syringe (3 times a day) into my arm along with weekly blood draws and continue to heal from this 3rd surgery again.

The doctor opened up the knee again, removed the Titanium pieces, drained out a bunch of pus and fluid, extensively debriefed the whole area and then put in the plastic knee spacer and closed up once again. I now again must wait out the results of the meds and surgery along with positive weekly lab results for 8 more weeks.

Of course, I was in a lot of pain and anxiously waiting to be discharged back home to get my 43CBD products in my mail and once again to use the remarkable tincture and salve. (FYI, I do not apply the salve around the incision unless it is totally healed over. But I use it on my other knee and shoulder etc.

The tincture helps reduce the pain along with immense relief of sleep issues caused by the surgery etc. On top of this, I am only allowed to put 50% of my body weight on that knee/leg.

This is rather difficult, and I end up compensating with other parts of my body which leads to areas of pain in different parts of my body that I normally don’t have aches. Plus, did I mention… I can’t return to or play pickleball again until this is all resolved, and a permanent appliance put in.

What a godsend to once again have the 43CBD products to help with pain reduction, reduction of inflammation and of course restoration of restful sleep.

Each time I have healed very well. I have had way shorter time periods of recuperation along with a full range of motion and good strength. In fact, the doctor and his staff, my PT, my friends have all been giddy and surprised with how fast and well I have done.

Even after this 3rd surgery to the same area, having a ”fake knee” inserted,  all the intense antibiotics which can have hard side effects, reduction in my activities l, my Dr just told me yesterday I don’t even need PT right now. He was giddy about the pace of my recovery along with a great range of motion.

Dontje, I do contribute most of my good and fast healing because I have been taking the 43 CBD tincture and application of salve. I can feel the difference when I use those products versus when I haven’t.

My doctor is not opposed to CBD. He just doesn’t feel well versed as to what product or how to take it in order to recommend a plan of treatment.

I have been taking your products now for almost 3 yrs. I have also at times used other brands but have not experienced the same helpful effects. As you may remember, I had my nephew here in WI, and other friends use your products. They also have noticed the positive effects.

I had done some of my own research, followed some basic directions, discussions with you and then titrated to my optimal dosage I have found great relief and healing from your CBD.

At one point back in April 2019:

I had to withhold taking any supplements or alternative products 10 days before my initial surgery and for a month or so afterward. It was what the doctor wanted and since I never had major surgery or joint replacement before I opted to implement that protocol. This meant I had to stop my CBD products too.

During that time I did notice I was in much more of what I call my “boomer “ pain in other areas of my body (shoulder, other knee, feet) that the CBD has been helping with.

Of course, my sleep was not as good either.

I was curious as to the placebo effect that I might possibly experience. Shortly after I started up in my CBD, I did notice relief again. Then I had another time where I ran out of the product but was able to get ahold of some WI grown hemp CBD tincture which helped.

However, that WI product did not seem to work as well for me but at least tied me over. Once I got back onto my 43 CBD tincture, I had much more relief again.

Once I had forgotten to take my tincture for a few days.

I couldn’t figure out why I was experiencing more pain. Then it dawned on me I had gone without the 43CBD tincture.  The bottle was hidden behind something in my refrigerator and it just started slipping my mind.

Again, shortly after restarting up on my dosage, I was feeling better. So, for me, this showed me that my positive results were not really a placebo effect as much as true beneficial effects from the CBD. Even though the WI hemp CBD was of high quality and integrity the results were not as beneficial as the 43CBD products.

WI is still trying to figure out CBD growing and processing. You all have an advantage for sure that you have applied great methods and continue to improve your products. This has also been my personal experience too. WI really needs to catch up and remove the worthless scam type shops and products that have been popping up all over.

I have also seen your website grow immensely for the better since my start. The information, pictures, blogs, product information, ordering and contacting venues have all enhanced the ease of use and increased my knowledge base. This improvement is appreciated by someone like me. I also enjoy getting occasional emails from 43CBD. I’m always eager to opening those emails and reading any updates.

Dontje here are some final thoughts. I do so much appreciate the fact that another nephew of mine living in Durango had led me to your product.

The benefits I receive from 43 CBD tincture is the best among any I have used. Also, the same is true for the salve. Especially for me at the higher 600 mg.

You have always been informative and a great personality when I have needed to call. Plus, the trust towards me for you to send me a product with payment to follow has been so helpful for me.

As I have previously voiced to you. I can’t wait to meet one of your plants. I have not seen one in person yet. Hopefully, this coming year, after all this “boomer knee” stuff is done I will be able to stop out in Durango to see relatives and friends. Then I will be able to stop in to see those beautiful plants and you guys too.
Viva the Green Revolution.

Thank you for what you have done and will continue to do.


Cathy Kunze

“Best bang for your buck on the market that I am aware of. 43 Solutions CBD has helped me sleep well, be more calm and collected, helped with various aches and pains, and tastes great too. Give it a try before reaching for prescription anti-anxiety or sleep meds.”

– Alessandra

“No more expensive trips to the animal hospital and our dog is much happier and healthier! Thanks, Greg and the 43 CBD crew for producing such a high-quality CBD tincture that works amazingly!”

– Josh

“43 CBD has been my source for quality broad spectrum CBD for about three years now. CBD relieves severe spasticity and muscle cramps at night that prevent me from sleeping. CBD  may not do everything, but it has been very important in improving my quality of life when nothing else helped. I highly recommend these guys!”


– Jay

“I have fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, muscle spasms and crippling pain throughout my body. 43 CBD hemp oil has changed my quality of life with no side effects. It has made me able to manage my pain since November 2017. Thank you!”

– Beverly

P.O. Box 1771
Durango, CO 81302
(970) 708-8847

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Products sold on this site contain 0.3THC or less and are derived from hemp.